Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Watch Out Doggie!!

Have you ever saw any dogs or cats suddenly run out of the road and BANG!!! suddenly hit by the car on the road that don't even notice there's a dog or cat crossing the road. Maybe some of you have never see this in your countries, but this is a very common issue in my country, especially in the state where I'm living right now... Thank God I have never bang a dog or cat on the road before with my car, hopefully there won't be any in future too, but I really feel sad when I saw 1 after another dog's or cat's dead body lying on the road with all the cars that didn't notice them, driving across them again and again... Last time I really don't understand why the authorities will kill the dogs on the road that doesn't have a license (meaning not own by anyone), now I think I probably understand...It was probably because those wild dogs will simply run around and you won't know whether are they infected by any virus, if they are infected by any virus and you happen to be the lucky to be bitten by them, I believe it'll be quite dangerous. Dogs and cats running across the road will also bring a lot of trouble to the drivers as well because if you try to avoid them by swerving to the right or left, you'll probably hit the car or motorcycle driving beside you..... so sometimes I myself as a driver, do understand why people will rather hit the dogs or cats running across than to avoid them... But for motorcycle, you must somehow avoid them in a safe way, because if a motorcycle hits the dog, the motorcyclist will get hurt himself... Is there any better way to stop the dogs and cats from running around? hmm....

Monday, November 12, 2007

Do you like raw food?

I do like raw food, of course those that can be eaten raw, such as raw salmon, raw tuna or raw beef…. So far my country only have above mentioned raw food, this is quite common especially in Japanese restaurant….I believe there are many food outside that can be eaten raw, is just that I have never tried and knew how they taste…like for example, I saw in Korean movie, the Korean actually eat raw squids, not only raw, the squids are ALIVE and they just eat it into their mouth….OMG…. I like to eat raw food, but so far I have never eaten 1 that is alive and become dead body in my mouth or stomach… If I happen to visit Korea next time, I guess I’ll really think twice before trying to eat those raw and ALIVE squids… Think twice in the sense of I like to tried new and tasty food, since the Korean can eat raw and ALIVE squids and still not having stomach ache, why not me? On the other hands, eating raw and ALIVE squids really need some courage, as you know so far the food that is served to me has already dead in the hand of either the hawkers or the fish mongers…So I still can’t very get used to killing a creature myself, somemore using my mouth…it makes me feels like I’m a lion hunting other animals and eat them just like that without any process in between.. Can you imagine that??

Monday, November 5, 2007

Will PC giants move into mobile phone markets?

From what I have known so far, HP has already come out with their own brand PDA phone and Apple will soon come out their advanced mobile phone with MAC OS. So I'm wondering, will other PC giants follow their footsteps by coming out their own brand of mobile phone? It's undeniable that mobile phone is a compulsory items for people nowadays, some of us even own more than 1 mobile phone due to different needs. To consumer, having more choices of mobile phone will definitely benefit us, but to existing mobile phone provider, the coming in of PC giants into the mobile phone market might be a stiff competition... Anyway we shall just wait and see... (I'm a Nokia supporter btw, hehe)

Gym Maniac!

Many of my friends are joining gyms outside, where they pay a certain amount of money monthy or annually and they can go to gym to exercise as often as they wish. There are a lot of those franchise gyms opening in Malaysia, such as Fitness First, California Fitness..of course there are some local gyms that is up to standard and attract a lot of customers too... A lot of my friends have invited me along to gym when they see my body has grown wider non-stop, hehe.. But after thinking twice, I prefer sticking my current 1st priority which is to earn more money and retire early.... After my early and young retirement, I promise myself I'll go to exercise everyday, even if it's not going to gym.... Wish me luck..!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

What kind of foods do you like the most?

So far I have only tried Chinese, Japanese, Korean, American, German, Indian and Malay…Well, I cannot say that as many because there are still thousands outside that I have still not tried out. Frankly, I like to eat, I think that’s probably it contributes to my body weight increase (eat a lot and never exercise, hehe)…Talking which kind of food I like the most, actually there are none coz I like any kind of food as long as it’s tasty. Probably if you really want an answer from me, than my answer will be “all depends on my mood at that particular time”. If today I feel like eating Japanese food than I’ll feel that Japanese food like sushi, bento, sashimi are the food that I like the most at that particular time…For Chinese food, so far I have only tried Taiwan, Shanghai and also Hongkie food….I really Hong Kong style milk tea, 1 cup of Ice Hong Kong style milk tea and 1 Hong Kong style Egg Tart are really a perfect combination especially during tea time or any time you feel like having a light meal….. Will continue to share my experience on other kinds of food that I have tried before in my next blog…so stay tune…

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Is credit card evil?

I believe many people outside will think that is better not to own a credit card because it will cause to incur a lot of debt and in the end facing the risk of bankruptcy. Ofcoz for those who are able to control themselves from misusing credit card, credit card can only bring more benefits instead of debt. Credit card is neutral itself, just depends on how you use it. If you use it properly, it can only bring you more good rather than bad; else it can only bring you down to more and more debt.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Is Insurance really useful?

Insurance, as what I understand, it can provide you a certain level of protection depending on the insurance package you have purchased. Well, to many of the people who does not have financial stability, it can really provide you some basic protection in terms of money. But to me, I would rather depend on myself coz sometimes if you put too many hope on other people, you may be dissapointed. I understand the fact that a company can exist is because they make profits..Do you think an insurance company really puts their clients in their 1st priority? Well, it may or it may not.. Why not you do a basic experiment by yourself by claiming from your insurance company whenever you are sick and let's see does an insurance company can approve your claims all the time? If the answer is yes, then congratulations, you have buy insurance from a good insurance company; if not, think twice before you buy an insurance next time....