Sunday, October 28, 2007

What kind of foods do you like the most?

So far I have only tried Chinese, Japanese, Korean, American, German, Indian and Malay…Well, I cannot say that as many because there are still thousands outside that I have still not tried out. Frankly, I like to eat, I think that’s probably it contributes to my body weight increase (eat a lot and never exercise, hehe)…Talking which kind of food I like the most, actually there are none coz I like any kind of food as long as it’s tasty. Probably if you really want an answer from me, than my answer will be “all depends on my mood at that particular time”. If today I feel like eating Japanese food than I’ll feel that Japanese food like sushi, bento, sashimi are the food that I like the most at that particular time…For Chinese food, so far I have only tried Taiwan, Shanghai and also Hongkie food….I really Hong Kong style milk tea, 1 cup of Ice Hong Kong style milk tea and 1 Hong Kong style Egg Tart are really a perfect combination especially during tea time or any time you feel like having a light meal….. Will continue to share my experience on other kinds of food that I have tried before in my next blog…so stay tune…

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