Monday, November 12, 2007

Do you like raw food?

I do like raw food, of course those that can be eaten raw, such as raw salmon, raw tuna or raw beef…. So far my country only have above mentioned raw food, this is quite common especially in Japanese restaurant….I believe there are many food outside that can be eaten raw, is just that I have never tried and knew how they taste…like for example, I saw in Korean movie, the Korean actually eat raw squids, not only raw, the squids are ALIVE and they just eat it into their mouth….OMG…. I like to eat raw food, but so far I have never eaten 1 that is alive and become dead body in my mouth or stomach… If I happen to visit Korea next time, I guess I’ll really think twice before trying to eat those raw and ALIVE squids… Think twice in the sense of I like to tried new and tasty food, since the Korean can eat raw and ALIVE squids and still not having stomach ache, why not me? On the other hands, eating raw and ALIVE squids really need some courage, as you know so far the food that is served to me has already dead in the hand of either the hawkers or the fish mongers…So I still can’t very get used to killing a creature myself, somemore using my mouth…it makes me feels like I’m a lion hunting other animals and eat them just like that without any process in between.. Can you imagine that??

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